Alla Kocheryan
Alla is a freakishly good multi-tasker. Right now, she's both producing and controlling stormtroopers with her mind.
Alla was born in Moscow, Russia and came to the U S of A in ‘91 just one year after the collapse of the Soviet Union. She is a first generation American and was the first in her family to receive a degree. From a young age, she was constantly entertaining guests, planning and translating family appointments, and singing songs!
Fast forward to 2009, Alla attended the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication with a focus in Broadcast News and minor in Spanish language. She dreamed of becoming an entertainment reporter, but a production class during her last year of college led her down a different path. After graduating, Alla worked in recruiting for 2 years, until she realized she needed to get back into the creative field. She packed her car, and drove herself to the city of Angels to work in video production.
Her first gig was on ABC's The Bachelor franchise as an office assistant. After a few seasons, she found herself working for a casting firm, flexing her love of finding the story and working with complex characters. After trying out the ""L.A. thing"" she decided the freelance lifestyle wasn't for her, packed up her car again and moved back home. Her journey at Mighty Media began in 2016 and she hopes to remain her for the forseable future. When she's not working (rare occurance), you can find her at the recording studio making music, attending shows, hanging with family, or eating tacos. Though She Be But Little She is Fierce."